Rubber chicken politics

A letter to the Oxford Times

Rubber chicken politics

Sir – On behalf of all those already estranged from politics – and they are many – a plea. We still have nearly 100 days of electioneering before 7 May. The disillusioned complain that politicians and party policies are all much the same. At election time, politicians respond less with arguments, than with amusements.

Here in Witney the problem is particularly acute as candidates opposing the Conservatives desperately seek to divert media attention from the prime minister. As if in response, the Conservatives have just distributed a glossy leaflet throughout the Witney constituency showing the prime minister cuddling a pig. Vote for animal rights? For more pork consumption? Vote for the pig? In the same vein, as your pages attest, the Labour Party here has challenged all parliamentary candidates to a bake off. Vote for the best cake?

Soon the rubber chicken parties will arrive, a dozen in 2010 and very many more this year, all desperate to bask in the leader’s limelight. The more absurd their antics, the more delighted the media. Well before polling day, Witney becomes an election theme park. It’s all good fun, but it’s not good politics.

When politicians seek votes by turning from reason to entertainment, they alienate yet more voters from the political system. The media would serve the electorate better by expecting more of politicians than silly stunts. But the electorate also has a responsibility to demand more of its media – as well as its politicians. We get the clowns we deserve.

Stuart Macdonald

Green Party parliamentary candidate for the Witney constituency

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